Doosan NHM 6300 - Horizontal Machining Centers

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Model: NHM 6300
Year: 2018
Stock #: 15024
Fanuc 31i-Model B CNC Control
AICC II (200 Blocks Look Ahead)
EZ Guide i (Conversational Programming)
CAT 50 Big Plus | 8,000 rpm | 30 hp
90 Station Tool Changer

2018 Doosan NHM 6300 CNC Horizontal Machining Center For Sale
Machine Specifications
CNC Control
Control Type
Fanuc 31i-Model B
# Axis
Pallet Length
Pallet Width
Pallet Load Capacity
2,645 pounds
Pallet Indexing (B-Axis)
X-Axis Travel
Y-Axis Travel
Z-Axis Travel
Rapid Traverse Rate (X/Y/Z)
1,417 ipm
Spindle Taper
CAT 50 Big Plus
Spindle Speed
8,000 rpm
Spindle Motor (HP)
30 hp
Tool Changer Capacity
Coolant Through Spindle
Machine Weight
45,500 pounds

Equipped With:

- Fanuc 31i-Model B CNC Control
- Chip Conveyor
- Coolant Tank & Pump
- Chip Blaster
- Coolant Thru Spindle
- Renishaw RMI-Q Receiver
- Embedder Ethernet
- AICC II (200 Blocks)
- EZ Guide i (Conversational Programming)
- 200 Tool Offset Pairs
- Shower Coolant
- CAT 50 Big Plus Spindle Taper
- Doosan Tool Load Monitoring
- 4 Extra M-Codes
- 1° Degree B-axis Indexing

The Doosan NHM 6300 is an exclusive part of our Horizontal Machining Centers inventory which we own and service. We're the international CNC specialists with the best guarantee in the industry.
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